EVENT REVIEW: IStash "Beauty & Bags Tour" (DMV)

I had the privilege of attending the Istash 'Beauty & Bags Tour'. I was invited by founder and creator Myasia Wilson, who had been taking over the beauty and bag game for a little while now.
The event held at the newest Art attraction 4D, the event geared to showcasing the beauty, fashion, bags and businesses of the city. The event was a pure success and the parking lot proved that everyone was in attendance.
From the scenery to the atmosphere, you were able to really enjoy the tour at its essence. Though it catered more to woman, I got to see the many business owners who are making happen in this beauty industry.

The event was hosted by Fashion Model and Brand Owner Brittany C., who kept the crowd entertained and informed at ll times.
Many of the guests were very impressed with the collection and I saw a lot of people going into their wallets the entire night, so the event definitely allowed for the different businesses to get business at this event.
It was a joy to see so much support and such a great turn out for the first stop on the tour. You can see that owner Myasia has definitely mastered her business and now she is reaping the benefits.

IStashed Myasia Wilson

Chef Charisma
to all the stomachaches
in the room
RATING: 9.5/10