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Artistry Spotlight: Brittany Carethers

Media Prince: Tell us a little about yourself

Brittany Carethers: I'm 26, a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University. I too am a full-time Child welfare Case worker, and a fulltime model in the DMV area and the founder of Xchange Artistry.

MP: How were you introduced into the world of fashion?

BC: I was first introduced to the world of fashion during my first year of college. I was very interested in modeling and JCSU had two modeling troupes in which my brother was a member of one of them . My brother told me that I would be joining Fa-Sho modeling troupe without a doubt, He spoke highly of me to the team so I had to bring it. I was instantly accepted into the troupe after auditions and from that day forth I was introduced to modeling. Although this was a school activity I was introduced to designers and received alot of work whenever at home in the DMV.

MP: What is Xchange Artistry?

BC: Xchange Artistry is a network of models, make up artists, fashion designers, creative directors and photographers who work together to help build each others portfolios.

MP: What inspired you to come up with Xchange Artistry?

BC: I decided to start Xchange Artistry because I was victim to being lost. I found myself paying for photoshoots and not being happy with the outcome or just going broke trying to build my portfolio. I sat on my couch one day and wanted to come up with an easier way to build my portfolio. I came up with the idea of exchanging services, which we call in the artistry business TFP(trade for photos). I discussed the idea with my step dad and instantly began working on a flyer for me and I posted it the next day. The feedback I received made me think that I have a passion for helping others and seeing everyone win.

MP: Behind your brand, many do not know that you are a College graduate, how important is it to make sure you have a education first?

BC: It's very important to have an education , I am a Communication arts major and I use all of those skills with running Xchange Artistry. Without receiving the knowledge from my professors , Professor Moore and Professor Wynn(mama Wynn) I would not have been able to execute my idea of creating Xchange Artistry.

MP: What is your current view of art itself today?

BC: We now live in a world of creative minds within the new generation. Everyone owns something or currently creating a brand. I love that within my generation, everyone is hustling through there talents. My view on Art today is that people are impressed with the things these artist have come up with to share to the world.

MP: How do you continue to push forward with your brand?

BC: I continue to push forward with the support I have received. I did not know that my idea would inspire so many people. I am pushing forward to help encourage everyone to fulfill their dreams.

MP: How long does it take to fully execute an entire event?

BC: It takes about 3-4 months.

MP:What advice do you give the little girl who is watching you and wants to be in your footsteps?

BC: STAY FOCUSED. You have the ability to have an idea for something great and with staying focus you can bring it to life and it can be the greatest thing ever.

MP: You model, dance, act, and wear amazing garments, does it ever become overwhelming with deciding what talent to go with?

BC: It is very overwhelming at times. I love what I do though so its more of a find time to get some rest, eat and everything will be ok.

MP: How do you want to public to feel after experiencing Xchange Artistry?

BC: I would like the public to feel satisfied. I want everyone t feel like Xchange Artistry is a great resource.

MP: Have you met your goal with Xchange Artistry and where do you see your brand in the near future?

BC: I have not met my goal yet. I would like for Xchange Artistry to have a photography studio located in NYC, LA and the DMV area. I would like to have that studio for the exchanges that take place, and for renting out. I am also creating an amazing website that I feel that all artistry people will fnd very resourceful and fun.

MP: What is next for Xchange Artistry?

BC: Xchange Artistry 1 YEAR Anniverssary/website launch party will be November or early December. This will be a great networking event and celebration of Xchange Artistry.

MP: What is your current view on fashion?

BC: Fashion is everlasting, and its whatever someone makes it. What someone else is wearing may not be your cup of tea but its there own expression.

MP: Is there ever a struggle trying to bring all art together?

BC: The struggle with bring all art together is everyones schedule, in this business everyone is busy. You have shoots almost every week or every other day . Scheduling is the hardest part.

MP: Where can your brand be found?

Brittany Carethers: We can be found on Instagram. Facebook, and twitter @XchangeArtistry. Xchange website will be live following the launch party.

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