FASHION SPOTLIGHT: Brandon 'Boos" Mccrea

"my name is Brandon S. McCrea but I am very well known by my nickname which is Boos. I am from New Haven, Connecticut. I attended Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina where I majored in Communication Arts."
The name of my brand is Jet & Deavor Co., it is a company solely based around fashion that expresses it's visionary ideas through various arts, we are currently focusing on fashion design and wardrobe styling at the moment. But we do have high hopes that our other artistic avenues will come to the forefront very soon. I came up with Jet & Deavor in my Senior year of college.
While attending school 13 hours away from my hometown I was experiencing an extreme amount of financial struggles that my family was unable to assist me with. After being evicted from my off-campus apartment even though it was cheaper than living on campus. I moved from friends house to friends house, couch to couch, living room floor to living room floor. My situation has become so bad to the point where I was unable to buy myself a McDouble, if my friends wouldn't buy me something to eat I probably didn't eat that night, unless I snuck in the cafeteria on campus, which I did do very often. After doing all that I could do to raise money and still not having enough I was absolutely fed up. I would ask God every night what I was doing wrong, to please help me change whatever I am doing wrong because I didn't understand why I had to struggle so hard. I actually became very depressed which many people Who know me don't know unless you were one of my really close friends but I was extremely depressed for a long time. So, one day while I was staying at one my friends house sleeping on her bedroom floor I decided that that was going to be the end of it. I would never struggle ever again like I was at that moment. So I asked myself "what can I do to earn money without having any money." It seems as though every wealthy person or every successful business had that initial start up money to invest into their business, and I knew I didn't have that.
So I contemplated and I asked God let me know what can I do to earn money without having any money. So I began to think about what I knew I was good at, I figured the easiest way to probably make money would be doing something that I already knew how to do, and was able to do with ease. After a long strenuous contemplation it hit me. Brandon ever since you can remember everyone has always told you you have been a very well-dressed man. Even throughout my struggles I managed to always look well, even if my shirt was a bargain that I might have gotten for three dollars everyone didn't know that and I was always looked at as a pretty well-dressed guy. So I said "Maybe you can be a wardrobe stylist?" Initially wardrobe stylist don't have to spend any of their own money, but people will pay you to pick out clothing for them. At that point I was sold on the idea and I also felt like what could it hurt I wasn't going to lose any money that I didn't already have anyway. So it was settled, I would come up with a company name and I would start to call myself a wardrobe stylist and see where it takes me. As I look back I do believe that God had heard my cries and it was finally time, time for me to see the bigger picture and realize my own talents and to not be afraid of them. I will admit when I first decided that I was going to call myself a "wardrobe stylist" I was extremely nervous and very hesitate to let the public know. I was extremely concerned about what my friends would think of me and what the world would think about me., because a lot of people tend to think very close minded about situations outside of their norm when they first present themselves. I didn't want me being a male wardrobe stylist to automatically have people perceive me a certain way that I was not, a way that I didn't want to be perceived as. But thankfully I quickly got past that. The emergence of Jet & Deavor Co. was at an on campus vendors fair for students, because I had decided that I was officially a wardrobe stylist and Jet & Deavor was a real company we would be a part of this exposure, so I signed us up. I had been working on an image makeover for one of the roommates that lived in the house that I was staying at, I had been working on her for a few weeks at the time and I also was enrolled in a photojournalism class so I had access to a legitimate camera.
So I styled her in a few various different looks and we took some great photos. I presented those photos of her at the vendors fair to showcase my work. So she was technically Jet & Deavor's first model and client, so I would like to say Thank you Courtney Fauntroy, you believed in me in the beginning. At the vendors fair I had discount coupons available for anyone to be styled by Jet & Deavor Co. for $20 during CIAA week and a sign-up sheet. Thankfully J&D was a hit at the vendors fair, roughly about 30 people signed up to be styled. I believe I only styled about 5 to 6 of them, but I used the money that I earned from them to purchase supplies to sell custom beading bracelets, which were also a hit on campus. The money earned from selling bracelets was able to purchase Jet & Deavor's first screenprint T-shirts. Fast forward a few, I decided that I did not want to be a T-shirt brand so I purchased a sewing machine, taught myself how to sew, and the rest is history. So you see Jet & Deavor means the world to me because it did exactly what I needed it to do. It got me out of the rut, it got me out of depression and my friends don't have to buy me McDoubles anymore. Thank you Jet & Deavor, Thank you God!

"Jet & Deavor Co. has so much in store for the upcoming future that I really can't tell you what's up next! Lol. I can tell you that we are working on bringing our other artistic avenues to the forefront, because although still based around fashion Jet & Deavor Co. is much more than just fashion design and wardrobe styling. So right now we have a few opportunities in the works and if you are eager to find out all I can say is, you'll have to to stay tuned! (that was a hint)."