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Show Bio 3 Black Girls Podcast is created by three friends/former coworkers. Alex, Geneva, and Anjelica come from different backgrounds but relate on one thing for sure-- being Black-- and the podcast is a show that allows the three Black girls to discuss being just that. The varied upbringings and experiences from the three co-hosts allows for interesting and insightful conversations as they discuss their lives while living in the DMV, current events, pop culture and everything in between. Each week you can count on a current obsession which is often a book, song, or even a show that the ladies are currently tuned into and always a “sophistiratchet tip and song”. The 3 Black Girls podcast is a reflection of the three co-hosts and the modern young black professional in the Washington DC area.

Alex was born and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland and attended Xavier University of Louisiana, where she received her BA in Sociology with a Concentration in Health, Medicine, and Science. She is currently working on her Masters of Public Health with a focus on Epidemiology. In her free time, Alex enjoys hanging out with family and friends and going to the movies, ALONE! Alex’s southern roots allows her to bring both a unique perspective to the 3 Black Girls and a little flavor to the “Sophistiratchet” segment of every episode.

Geneva is a 20-something Instructional Technologist currently living in Silver Spring, Maryland. Hailing from Prince George’s County by way of Pittsburgh, PA, Geneva grew up in a VERY African household. She received her BA from Oberlin College (in Ohio) where she double majored in Anthropology and Africana Studies. During the day you can find her working at a local university trying to change the landscape of online education. When she’s not hard at work, Geneva is usually relaxing with a cup of tea or trying to find new ways to bake the perfect cookie.

Anjelica, currently living in Nashville Tennessee, was born in Detroit, Michigan and raised slightly outside of the city in Ypsilanti. She received her BA and MPA from The Land of Golden Sunshine- Tennessee State University and is in the process of starting her third and FINAL degree. In her spare time, Anjelica mostly spends time with her friends at the occasional happy hour, going for runs (because long walks on the beach aren't an option in Tennessee), or trying to find her phone and keys because she is ALWAYS misplacing the necessities of life.

How to Listen

Show Social Media Instagram: 3blackgirlspodcast

Twitter: 3blackgirlspod

Snapchat: threeblackgirls

Facebook: 3 Black Girls Podcast

Host Instagram

Alex: @iamadh_d

Geneva: @silent__g__

Anjelica: @ayejayshrug

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