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EVENT REVIEW: The PR Alliance Launch

SHOUTOUT TO THE PR ALLIANCE and their wonderful launch this past Sunday. The Pr Alliance made up of PR extraordinaires Keisha Marie & Mariah Oates launched and have already set the trend of what a PR company is supposed to look like and be like.

Held at the latest attraction The Museum on Rhode Island, the event housed for great attraction.

The event itself was a sold out event and at many times people had to step out to get breathing room, which lets you know The PR Alliance already has a strong fan base.

I had the pleasure of covering this lovely event which made my sunday quite an event.

Upon arrival to the event , a red carpet flowed in front of the establishment and was geared for interviews for of course the two young ladies of the night Keisha & Mariah, but also for special guests Recording Artists, Flex Kartel , Maya Milan & Noochie who all graced the stage and showed us why each act was a force to be reckoned with.

Did I forget to mention that the funniest guy out hosted the event. Yes Oxygen's own Big Fred hosted the event and made the crowd laugh and often times spit out their refreshments from his humor, so with that being said they picked all the right people for this event.

DJ Flosscett blessed

us on the one's and two's


Chef Christine Hazel (from FOX's Hell Kitchen) blessed us with all the right food, whicle Chef Jeremiah Josey Blessed us with all the great deserts

and lets not forget the bomb drinks sponsored by Crown Royal & Ciroc

"I really enjoyed myself, this event went off without a hitch and I met some really great people" -Sandra of JUST1PR

"This event showcased everything The PR Alliance is about and this event proved that they are great at what they do, so many people are here to support" - Recording Artist Maya Milan

The event in itself was something you did not want to miss, and if you missed then I am sorry because this was something that needed to be captured. All the whose whos were in attendance from Candice Nicole , to Dyson Alexander, to Kierra M, the list goes on.

I found myself having a funky good time, but I had to remember I was there to do a job, but that goes to show you that the atmosphere was so much fun and allowed each person to have have a good time and enjoy the celebration.

RATING: 10/10

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