PR SPOTLIGHT: Ciara Brooks
TMP: When did you begin in the field of PR?
CB: The commencement of my PR journey started during college years at Clark Atlanta University. During my matriculation at Clark Atlanta University, I gained experience while working for BET Hip Hop Awards and CBS Radio affiliate V103 FM.
TMP: What inspired you to pursue Public Relations?
CB: I was inspired to pursue PR by my mother. As a teenager, she observed my passion for the behind the scenes footage of the entertainment and fashion industry. I would be up before sunrise watching reruns of overseas fashion shows and follow careers of local media personalities like Big Tigger and Russ Parr.
TMP: What advice do you have for that little boy or girl who wants to do what you do?
CB: The advice I would give to children who aspire to pursue to the PR field is one, know what you want and work hard for your seat at the table. Two, remain humble and never believe you are better than the next person. Lastly, I would advise any child to experience different facets similar to PR such as advertising and marketing to be sure PR is the niche for them.
TMP: How do you want your clients to feel after doing business with you?
CB: After clients have successfully completed their business venture with me, I want them to be able to walk away feeling like their goals were met and understand my genuine passion will always begin with wanting them to win!
TMP: What do you look for in a client when it comes to creating their brand?
CB: When evaluating if a client is a good fit for my services, I look at three things. First, I make sure their brand coincides with what I'm doing with my brand and we're able to benefit from the relationship. Secondly, I appreciate professionals with a humble spirit. If you're not humble about where they are now, no advice or recommendations provided will be receptive since their mind is already set on whatever has boosted their ego. Lastly, I like to know they are serious about their brand/business.
What is next for you?
CB: I'm currently working on the "Beauty Brunch Bazaar Reloaded" event with my client, Supremacy Presents. The purpose of the event is to provide entrepreneurs and professionals in the beauty, hair and fashion industries with a platform to promote their products and services while enjoying brunch, bottomless mimosas and interactive bars including masseuse, hair product bar and more! The event will be held Sunday, July 9th at Studio 52 DC beginning at 12 noon. For more info, click here. I'm also the Program Director for Black Public Relations Society - DC Chapter. Every #3rdThursdaysPR events are held throughout Washington, DC. Our next event "Entertainment PR Unfiltered" will be held Thursday, June 22nd. Follow @bprsdc for more details.
TMP: What is the biggest misconception about Public Relations?
CB: The biggest misconception of PR is that it's all glitz and glamour. Like any profession, there are sacrifices that must be made before and after the glitz and glamour phase.
TMP: Are you social? FB? IG? TWITTER?
@ciarabrookspr (IG and Twitter)