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ALBUM REVIEW: Divine Suns "All Is Well"

"The title, All Is Well, is more mantra than clever catchphrase. As politicians (some more than others) pander to the lowest common denominator for votes, our treatment of each other seems to be fueled by that same hatred and an inhumane selective vision and hearing. When those in positions of power use unfounded, hysterical fear as a platform; many an average man is left clutching his tattered possessions, squeezing tight on all he has in case a mythical boogey man comes like a thief in the night. To that, Divine Suns says All Is Well. Boasting a diverse array of collaborators, producers, and vocalists, All Is Well is a celebration of the calm that is possible, even in the eye of the storm. To Be a King honors our individual royalty, paying homage to those who get their hands dirty in pursuit of their dreams. No trapping here. Likewise, Measure of a Man, both metaphorical and philosophical, seeks to combine man’s role as protecting provider with an-often neglected emotional empathy. And then there is the title track, ripe with booming, operatic vocals and pointed lyrics, All Is Well is the veritable “church in the wild,” a vehement reminder that life is what you make it. Divine Suns see the beauty in the chaos. All Is Well also marks an important milestones for Divine Suns. As of 2017, the brothers celebrate 20 years of brotherhood as all (minus the young gun, Plex Long) met their freshman year of Morehouse in 1997. It also marks 20 years since the group that would become Divine Suns recorded their very first record together. Accordingly, the album features family members acquired along that Beautiful Journey. No one is Lost if you can Faith It til you make it. Join Divine Suns as they take it Back to the Strip and encourage you to understand that All Is Well."


All is Well is an ode to nod to old school hip bringing the feel on conscience messages that we rarely hear in todays music. Divine Suns puts your mindframe in the era where music counted the most and each song tells a layer of what is happening in the world yet broadcasting the amazing art of the world all in one.

My favorites on the album are as follow: "Intuitive Maneuvers", "Lost", "Reign" , "Justified Means", "Days", "Back To The Strip" and my ultimate favorite "Beautiful Journey" which tells the story of beauty and art of who we are as a people, in a world where they box our culture in, this song explores the lines of what our stories are really made of and the strength we find in our turmoil and make it beautiful.

The album in its entirety is an amazing effort and is something Hip Hop heads will surely love. When I say the album is all artistic Hip Hop, I mean it, this body of work put togethers tales, messages and advice that can really inspire the culture today.

All in all the album was a pleasure to listen to and a very strong nod towards their future in music.


RATING: 10/10

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