Micca (Pronounced Mee-Kuh) is a true pop-diva in the making, who is about making social statements expressible through her music...
Micca's debut project, is her upcoming MIxtape produced by Micca herself (along with her business/creative partner Billboard Jay) is chalk full of the contemporary hip-hop, pop, electro, and rock influences, that Micca grew up on. With hard hitting beats, infectious melodies, super-catchy hooks, and conceptual lyrics to match. Micca addresses taboo subject matters, such as human rights, bullying and the general epidemic of violence, the WWE style of government, self-confidence, daring to be different and more; all intermingled with clever/fun word play. Singing and rapping on the project as well!
Micca is poised to be the liberating voice of her generation. T
The audio & visual sensation for younger and older music fans alike.
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