What's your take on the NBA and WNBA Merging????

The Global Mixed Gender Basketball League hosted their sixth game at the beautiful new Entertainment & Sports Arena in SE, Washington DC between the Washington Fusion and Chicago Vikings on November 16, 2019 from 6:00PM -9:00PM.

The crowd roars as the Washington Fusions wins the game by 20 points. The game was a close one down to the end where it looked as if the opposing team, the Chicago Vikings, could have stole the win. But Anwan Glover’s team held the lead for the win on home Court with a large and supportive audience cheering them on.
Beat your feet, and three point contests, followed by a classic Back-Yard-Band go-go concert in the middle of watching a very interesting game of Basketball really doesn’t get much better than that.
There are a thousand reasons why basketball is one of the world’s favorite sports to watch, play, and wager on. Basketball is exciting and just got more unpredictable by having professional women and men play on the same team and against each other.
People will be talking about these games. We believe that all people will become more interested in the sport and this will be something the entire family can enjoy together.

Many kids were in the crowd Saturday in awe of the talent on the court and dreaming that they could become a pro one day.
GMGB is making history as the first professional co-ed league to play full court basketball. The celebrity-owned teams are comprised of former NBA and WNBA players, with a player lineup that alternates each quarter: Three women and two men in the first quarter, and three men and two women playing in the second.

Things are going to get crazy entertaining on the court as this all inclusive idea quickly becomes the future of basketball.
The games will be sold out as the weather gets warmer so keep your eyes and ears out for future dates. Better yet buy your tickets in advance.