EVENT REVIEW: Mayor Muriel Bowser Presents........ 202Creates DECADES 'Opening Night Celebration

I was fortune enough to be invited by DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment director Angie Gates and it was an ultimate treat. Housed at the newest attraction on Connecticut Avenue 'Decades' served for an amazing atmosphere of networking, building, and connecting with fellow entrepreneurs of the DMV.
202Creates which I have deemed a communtiy outlet to bring together creative minds, innovators and entrepreneurs and allowing for more social engagement and creative community building, made the event go off without a hitch. From amazing vendors, to amazing people to an even more amazing venue, you really could not ask for more in essence of this grand opening.
Mayor Bowser delivered an amazing speech which spoke to the enrichment of making sure all 8 wards had an outlet to further feed their artistic creative being, while giving a platform to let your voice be heard and growing together.

All the whose who were in attendance from Steph Lova, to Angie Ang, to Britt Waters, the list goes on. All there to celebrate such an amazing event. I had the opportunity to personally speak with Mayor Bowser and thank her for wonderful work she is doing for not only my ward, but all of our wards and for making the conscious effort to put us first in her decision making.
All in all the event was a huge success and when I say it was a packed house I MEAN IT.........
Filled with many levels of the cities most prominent, it felt good to be in such company, if you missed this event, you surely missed not only a great event, but an informative one at that .
RATING: 10/10